Today’s Hours
14 Mar
乗馬体験(引き馬)ができるライドコーナーです。(有料) 大人の方にはウマ、小さなお子様には安心のポニーの乗馬をお楽しみいただけます。 ※乗馬する個体によって料金が異なります。 ※ホースライドには年齢や体重の制限がございます。 ※混雑時は定員になり次第、早めに受付けを締め切らせていただく場合がございます。 ※動物の体調などにより、やむを得ず乗馬が中止になる場合がございます。
This is our ride corner, where you can experience riding on a horse (led by staff). (A fee is charged.) Adults can enjoy riding a horse, while children will ride a safe and reliable pony. ■ Admission Fee & Restrictions: Pony Ride: ¥300 / Toddler (age 3) through kindergarten age Horse Ride: ¥500 / Elementary school age through adults, maximum weight 80 kg (approx. 176 lbs) ■ First 20 guests to arrive will ride during each round. * Fee varies by individual. * Horse rides are limited according to factors such as age and weight of rider. * During busy periods, reception may close early when capacity is reached. * ...